An Anti-Aging and Disease-Free Miracle
About seven years ago,I attended a health show, and I found out about an anti aging product supplying oxygen to the body. I began researching the product and what I learnt about it,so fascinated me that I started taking it immediately. At that point in time, I had recently emigrated to Canada to live and I was "enjoying"my first winter there. Needless to say, I became very sick and remained sick all winter long. After taking an oxygen/ nutritional supplement for about ten months, however, I remained healthy all winter, of the following year. It is now seven years and I can assure you that I have never been healthier. I never get sick during, after,before winter, nor do I get sick at any time during the year!
Never do I catch any of the viruses that make the round from person to person, and even if I do pick up something, I don't get knocked flat like everyone around me. Instead I may feel a little under the weather for a couple of hours. I have now made it my life's mission to let everyone know that they can get their health under control It is very important when choosing a health supplement to ensure that it is supplying oxygen to the body as well as many trace minerals that are so easily destroyed during the process of cooking food.
Everett Storey was a great inventor and is accredited for the development of the water-splitting technology. During the second world war,he witnessed his inventions being used to build the hydrogen bomb and being a humanitarian, he so wanted to do something good for humanity that he produced an anti aging supplement.
He is famous for creating an oxygen therapy based on the deuterium ions which would self-sustain a catalytic type reaction in which the water in our bodies is split into oxygen and hydrogen for detoxifying the toxins from our internal organs and tissues.
Our atmosphere has been stripped of a lot of the life-sustaining elements because of modern-day living and consuming. This amazing anti- aging product helps to replace and replenish all these life-sustaining elements to our starved bodies. This miraculous formula is the result of 42 years of research. It has the ability of keeping its powerful elements in full solution while delivering it to every single cell in our bodies.
All diseases are caused by a lack of oxygen in the human body. So claim all the great scientists,and the well acclaimed Dr.Otto Warburg set out to prove this fact.
Dr Warburg, the Nobel Prize Laurette of 1931 showed that Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygen rich environment. Oxygen, one of life's building blocks, is an abundant supporter of life. We must have oxygen to regulate all our bodily functions.Cells cannot regenerate without the precious oxygen.It is necessary for our bodies to utilise oxygen to metabolize food and eliminate waste and toxins. Without oxygen our brains cannot operate.
Oxygen is needed to process information. All our organs must have oxygen to function efficiently. It is a known fact that we cannot live without oxygen. Oxygen energizes, oxidates, detoxifies and gives life and vitality to every living cell in our bodies. Without oxygen we get sick and die, period!
Our body's oxygen supply is constantly being depleted by environmental toxic stresses, physical and emotional stresses and infections.This, of course results in poor vitality, illnesses of every variety. lack of stamina, general and chronic fatigue, and all in all a very weak disposition. It is claimed by those in authority, that a deficiency of oxygen is probably the single greatest cause for our bodies succumbing to disease.
CELLFOOD is one of the greatest anti-aging products ever created.It is the #1 selling oxygen nutritional supplement. It is a highly concentrated super energised proprietary formulation containing 78 ionic colloidal trace elements and minerals combined with 34 enzymes, 17 amino acids and dissolved oxygen all suspended in a solution of Deuterium Sulfate, and electrolytes.The nutrients in CELLFOOD are both ionic and colloidal in form.
OTHER PRODUCTS FOR ANTI-AGING like Asea, Alive Max Nutritional Sprays-- Multi Vitamin, Vitality, Anti-Aging and Vitamin D and of course Cellfood, all for ANTI-AGING
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