The Science of Longevity


This is probably the single most important consideration of all. 'Prevention is better than cure' is more applicable today than ever. If we knew what would happen in the future we would take prevention much more seriously. We can't see the future. So we run the risk of regrets. It is difficult to put aside pride and ignorance for the sake of outcomes that may never occur. It's a choice we all make every minute of every day. It depends on what things are important to us. Focusing on the important things helps us determine the choises and actions we will take.


This century has become the most dangerous period in history for chemical choice and availability. Just one look in our kitchen cupboards will testify to this. Natural chemicals give the liver a chance to break the dangerous substance down in our body and excrete it. Modern chemicals are so new to our livers that they accumulate in our bodies and go on to adversely change our genetics. Each generation is living longer but less healthy than the previous generation. Some diseases are becoming far too common, for example, diabetes.


Mass production has given us cheaper goods, but at a price to our health. The goods are full of chemicals to allow for easy production, transportation and storage. The working environment is boring and soul destroying and promotes a 'dumbing down' of our lifestyle and a false sense of fulfillment in life. We can lose rewarding aspects in our lives by accepting these changes without questioning what price are we paying for ourselves and our culture.

Dietary Deficiencies.

Our bodies need vitamins and minerals in the right amounts and in the right proportions. Diets lacking in proper balanced nutrition set in motion, a gradual and certain decline in our; nervous and glandular systems. Continued deficiencies bring about pre-mature aging of our bodies, changes to our genetic coding, triggering all kinds of 'genetically derived preventable' illnesses.


This aspect of our life can reflect the wise choices we have made in combining all the qualities that we seek in a 'good life' or become an ever increasing decline into poverty, ill-health and suffering. Being aware of potential problems is not enough to prevent them from happening. We 'hand over' decision making.

The individual needs to become actively, consciously involved in the process of; gathering information, digesting what it really means for them, making decisions about how, where and why changes need to be made. We also need to develop a good understanding of the complexities and challenges involved in applying this knowledge to fruition.

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