4 Habits That Will Increase Your Brain Power
If you think you don't have time in your day to do any mind stimulating exercises, think again. There are many things which you can just incorporate into your normal day to day that will just be a part of it rather than take away your time.
Attention to detail
There are many details in our day to day that are quickly erased from our memory as it is considered irrelevant to us. What you can do is set an alarm every few hours to remind you to ask some questions to yourself along the lines of what the people you interacted with during the last few hours were wearing, their hairstyle, eye colour, state of their nails, if they are left handed or right handed, etc.
By paying more attention to detail we will boost our memory and your girlfriend will be really pleased that you noticed the new earrings.
We can even take this step a little further as you can make up explanations for certain irregularities such as smudges, bruises or stains. This in turn will give your creativity a nice push.
Drive differently
Once you have spent a fair amount of hours driving a car, you will realize that many of the motions will have become automatic such as shifting gears (pun intended). In order to snap our brain out of its routine we can do several things.
1. If you drive a car with automatic transmission, learn to drive with a manual transmission.
2. Drive a different car. Every car is different in terms of turning radius, length, clutch range, etc.
3. When in a country where they drive on the other side of the road, have a go. Changing everything around (stick shift, blinker levers, rule of preference, and of course side of the road and overtaking on the other side, will not only improve your driving skills but also your brain power.
Renounce technology
Every year technology advances more and more in huge leaps. Each of these improvements is aimed at making our life more simple. However, it is also fact that we only progress through overcoming obstacles. Our muscles don't grow unless we use them and our brains will deteriorate if we don't make the effort to remember, solve or analyse. If we let our smart phones do all the work of reminding us or solving all the problems for us no matter how small they may be.
Next time you are faced with a situation in which you can't remember something or can't work out something right away, give it a moment. Take the time to solve it with the great machine you have in your head rather that impatiently asking Google for the answer.
Word of the Day
This exercise is aimed at getting your creativity juices flowing by trying to incorporate a specific word into a conversation during your day. I recommend heading over to a site such as dictionary.com and taking their word of the day and attempt to use it in a sentence with someone, (naturally it has to be a part of natural conversation rather than "hey, I learnt a new word today, it's... "If you aren't able to implement it in a conversation, try in written format such as a diary, a blog post or an email.
Dolph Larsson is a writer focusing on the prevention of mental deterioration such as Alzheimer and dementia. To see some of the latest publications you can visit How to Improve Brain Power where you can read up on articles such as How to Increase Brain Power, How to Increase Mind Power, etc.
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